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Welcome to the Ombuds Office for Animal Protection of the City of Vienna

Tierschutzombudsstelle Wien (TOW)

What we do:

  • We represent the interests of animals as an independent body of the Province of Vienna that is not subject to directions.
  • We advocate the responsible treatment of animals. Nobody may inflict unjustified pain, suffering or injury on an animal or cause intense fear to an animal.
  • We have locus standi in all legal procedures concerning animal rights, ensuring that animals are treated and kept according to their needs and appropriate to their species. We also ensure the welfare of animals at events and in TV and film productions.
  • We seek to raise awareness for animal welfare among the general public and especially among children and young people.
  • We encourage the promotion of scientific research in the area of animal welfare and call for faster and better action based on the research results, incorporating them into practical animal protection measures.
  • We represent the Province of Vienna in the Animal Protection Council. This council of experts has, among others, the following duties: to advise the legislature regarding animal protection issues, to develop guidelines for the uniform enforcement of the Animal Protection Act in all federal provinces, and to monitor its enforcement.
  • We evaluate draft laws and regulations from an animal welfare viewpoint.
  • We report to the Vienna Provincial Government with an annual activity report.
  • We offer a forum for anyone interested in animal welfare to participate in improving the situation for animals, our fellow creatures.

Our priorities:

  • As an independent animal welfare organisation recognised by both the political and administrative authorities and by the citizens of Vienna, we see it as our task to mediate when problems arise and find solutions that assure the responsible and appropriate treatment of animals.
  • One of our main concerns is the promotion of animal-friendly consumer behaviour. In constant dialogue with experts, producers and distributors we therefore provide objective information on animal welfare friendly products.
  • We consider ourselves a service centre providing information and documentation on the current state of legislation, jurisprudence and the enforcement of the Austrian Animal Protection Act and other regulations relating to animal welfare and animal husbandry.
  • We offer cooperation to all organisations and institutions concerned with animal welfare.
  • We prepare basic information and concepts to support political decision-makers and the departments and offices of the Vienna City Administration in making informed decisions. We also provide recommendations based on these materials.
  • We cooperate with institutions concerned with animal welfare within the city administration and with external organisations. Together we can promote animal welfare better and create the best possible synergies.
  • We also monitor the development of animal welfare legislation in the European Union. By building and participating in (international) networks we lobby for the interests of animals.
  • We are continuously striving to improve our management and to critically review our activities.
Team of the Animal Welfare Ombuds Office

Our Team

  • Eva Persy - Ombudsperson for Animal Protection
  • Christian Fellner - Veterinary Expert
  • Niklas Hintermayr, Legal Expert
  • Simone Gräber - Dog Expert
  • Indra Kley - Strategic communication and PR
  • Martina Elsinger - Team Assistant
  • Petra Pfeiffer - Team Assistant
  • Elisabeth Sablik - Farm Animal Expert
Team of the Animal Welfare Ombuds Office

Contact details:

Tierschutzombudsstelle Wien (TOW)
Ombuds Office for Animal Protection of the City of Vienna
Muthgasse 62, A-1190 Vienna
phone (+43) 1 318 00 76-75079
fax (+43) 1 318 00 76-75077